is now available to Indian sales organizations
(also available to the regions of Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh and
Experienced hiring managers know that education, learned skills
and product knowledge are the poorest measures of potential sales
success. The most important factors are personality, motivational
suitability and job fit. That's exactly what we
measure. This softer area is tough to get at in interviews
because the applicant is often "playing the role" to get hired.
Without Salestestonline you can be easily fooled because the applicant's
true self may not emerge until after he/she has been hired. By then
it is too late! cuts through the facade to uncover
the real person-before it is too late!
Established in 1986, is North America's #1
provider of web based assessments for testing sales people.
Currently we have over 1000 satisfied customers with a 97% re-order
factor. Our system is customized to your unique criteria, fully
automated, instantaneous, extremely accurate and very economical.
Visit today for a complete explanation.
Qualified prospects are offered a Free Demonstration of the system
with special pricing.
and we will make all the arrangements.